Personal Inventory
My current definition of HPT hasn’t really changed from the beginning of this course. Human Performance Technology, in my opinion, is to problem-solve ways to improve and increase productivity and performance in the workplace. The first step is to gather information and analyze what the performance problem is. Then after identifying the problem come up with solutions on how to fix the problem and increase productivity. I have had the opportunity to do a variety of assignments in this course and I feel overall that I have a better understanding of Human Performance Technology. We read a book and articles, watched videos, listened to speakers, worked through a fast food case study, had discussions with peers, searched for available jobs in the ID and HPT field, and created our own plan through the HPT process. All of these helped me meet the goal of knowing how HPT and ID relate to each other. I also feel that the creation of my own plan helped me relate HPT to my current job role. ...