Speaker Reflection

Our guest speaker, Antonio Cortes is the Managing Director for Equity, Diversity,

Inclusion & Justice for NonprofitHR. He provides strategic and operational leadership

to the EDIJ practice area. His presentation was very influential and eye-opening. Before

seeing his presentation I was unaware that this type of job or career was even available.

I learned that his company supports nonprofits by completing focus groups and spending

time with HR Staff. They also use the learning design ideas of finding gaps after assessments,

the root cause of problems, and how to solve the problems.  They use a data-driven approach

to start the process, so they can figure out the problem and find solutions. They usually

always start with assessments and strategy design. The plan is a road map of what strategies

they can use, an action plan, and training is just one of many solutions.

I found the nonprofit consulting nuances interesting.

  • Mission-driven organizations that are focused on resolving social issues

  • High level of care and passion but low level of competency regarding DEI

  • DEI staff are not necessarily experienced to take on that role

  • Policies and practices tend to be outdated (ex: lactation policy, dress policy)

and easier to address but have to audit them
  • multinational/global are the most complex to consult for because things being

different in other countries
  • Resource constraints are often barriers

  • There are large nonprofit organizations that have higher resources and higher

I have found that this presentation opened my eyes to the different careers that are out there. Before this class and presentation, I didn’t really know what Human Performance Technology was and that it was a part of the Learning Design umbrella. I do feel the presentation helped me understand what HPT is and how it works in the job field. I realized that HPT is under the LDT umbrella. I do feel like all of these jobs follow an LDT model but mostly see the “ADDIE” model being useful. The "ADDIE" model, stands for: analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate. In the analysis phase, issues and problems are identified. The purpose, learning outcomes, and objectives are determined in the design phase. Content and structure occur in the developing phase. In the implementation phase, a pilot run occurs, (formative evaluation), and finally in the evaluation phase, a summative evaluation takes place. I believe this model is useful and can see it being used for HPT jobs. At this point, I am not sure if it is a career that I am interested in. I definitely will keep looking more into all the job opportunities there are out there and now no this is an avenue I can pursue.


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